he Basic StuffName?: Melissa
Age?: 25
Height?: 5'6"
Weight?: don't you know it's not polite to ask a woman how much she weighs?!
Birthday?: August 19
Birthplace?: The hospital of course!
Current Location?: NH
School/Grade?: I have a bachelors degree
Zodiac Sign?: I'm a Leo, hear me rawr!
Chinese Zodiac Sign?: Rooster
Righty or Lefty?: Right
Haircolor?: Brown
Eyecolor?: Also brown
Skin Color?: White, not that it matters
About YouWhat's Your Family Situation: I have one
Any Pets?: I live in a zoo
If So What Are They?: Molly, Maggie and Kane
Favorite Relative?: My husband
Least Favorite Relative?: uh..I
really shouldn't answer this one lol <--- what Kim said
What's Your Heritage/Race?: Depends on my mood - by blood I'm German w/ French extraction (whatever that means) but I consider myself English.
Political Affilation?: That's one of the things that should never be discussed at the dinner table
Love & Sex (aka, the TMI section ^.~ lol!)Sexuality?: I'm straight
Are You In A Relationship Now?: totally married =)
If So, With Whom?: John!!
For How Long?: We've been together for... umm... 2.5 years, give or take, and have been married for almost 1.5
Are You In Love?: Yes
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: Sure
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: Umm, no
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: 13
Virgin?: I'm married, you do the math
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?: I'm not even going there
Was It Enjoyable?: see above
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: how does that even make sense, if I just said that I'm married?
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: Only one person needs to know that
Best Love Quote?: "I love you."
Your FriendsBest?: Yeah, I like them.
How Many Do You Have?: A few close ones
More Guys Or Girls?: Used to be more guys than girls, but not so much anymore
Love Them All?: Why would I be friends with someone I hated?
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: Proximity wise, I would say Janelle, but otherwise, not at the moment
Oldest?: Sarah Skillin
Newest?: Kim, I guess
Pen Pal?: I haven't had one of those since I was in 3rd grade
Friends And Words: Associate ThemPen: pencil
Flower: power!
Pink: Victorias Secret
Window: Pane
Heart: throb
Mother: in-law
Bread: machine
Insane: me!
Sunglasses: I have some =)
Pimp: Aaron
Cross: Jesus
Lonely: sad
Car: pool
Music: John
This Or ThatBoxers or Briefs?: Depends on who's wearing them =)
Thongs or G-Strings?: Neither, thanks
Shorts or Pants?: pajama bottoms
Shoes or Barefeet?: Everything's better in flip flops (but I prefer bare feet, according to John)
Books or Movies?: Depends on my mood
Night or Day?: Day
Dark or Light?: Light
Mountains or Beach?: Beach
Snow or Sun?: The sun after the snow!
Pepsi or Coke?: Diet
Guys or Girls?: huh?
Swim or Surf?: Swim
For or AgainstGay Marriage?: This is totally NOT the forum for that discussion
Abortion?: Against, but again, see above
Bush Getting Re-elected?: Oh dear God.
Suicide?: This whole section is way too controversial for LiveJournal surveys
War?: All we are saying is give peace a chance
Pants?: What about capri's?? are we discriminating against them now?
Clothes In General?: Yeah, I'm a fan
Penises?: Yeah, back up to the top of this section
FavoritesColor?: Red
Number?: 11
Holiday?: Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, and Easter
Season?: Autumn
Movie?: I have lots at this point
Book?: I don't really have one favorite
Magazine?: Country Living and Cosmo! (Which I haven't received them this month and I'm getting a LITTLE mad)
Food?: the edible kind
Drink?: Milk, or rum and coke, depending on what the type of drink you're getting me is
TV Show?: CSI, Law and Order: SVU, umm... I liked Dancing with the Stars... ummm.....
Song?: I don't have a favorite at the moment
Band?: Mike Previti is my favorite solo artist
Computer Game?: The sims!!!
Video Game?: Final Fantasy 9
Anime/Manga?: Not so much
Shirt?: Probably my massively huge blue sweater
Pants?: My gray ones
Actor?: Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp,
Actress?: I like Sandra Bullock, umm... pretty much I like the ones that stay out of the limelight!
Singer?: Mike Previti
Flower?: Sterling Roses and Sunflowers
Scent?: I like Vanilla, but I have this spiced cocoa candle that I can't wait to bust out!
Animal?: Big cats
Cookie?: Oreos!
The Future
Want To Go To College?: Been there, done that
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toy's R' Us kid!
Want To Get Married?: not again! I like the marriage I have!
Want To Have Kids?: Yeah!
What Would Their Names Be?: That changes almost daily
How Many?: John says 2, I want three... guess we'll have to take the national average of 2.3 and a dog
Where Do You Want To Live?: My house, in the middle of my street
Where Do You Want To Get Married?: Why doesn't anyone write surveys geared towards people that are already married?!
How Do You Want To Die?: Not slowly and painfully, that's for sure
More Stuff About You
Piercings?: One open one in each ear
Tattoos?: None
Smoke?: Nope, never will
Drink?: Occasionally
Do Drugs?: Only the legal prescribed kind (and some vitamins and stuff)
Skinny Dip?: Oh yeah, every morning in the shower
Greatest Fear?: Failure
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate!
Go To Church?: Every Sunday at 11... well, sometimes it's Saturday's at 4, and this past Sunday it was at 8:30
Religion?: Catholic
Scars?: Yeah, random ones like on my hand and my foot
CDs Owned?: Yep, I have some
Collections?: I collect cats. Live ones. But then John makes me give them away. I collect other random papers on my desk. No real collections though
Like To Be Naked?: Not particularly
Ever Eaten Sushi?: Yeah, but I didn't like it
An Entire Case Of Oreos?: Oh, now they come in cases??? last quiz I took, they came in boxes.
Been On Stage?: Indeed I have
Danced In The Rain?: Only once, but I was not in very good company
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: Nope
Weirdest Dream?: Well, there was this one that I was on a bus because Portsmouth got bombed....
Best Dream?: The happy ones!
Saddest Dream?: Any where someone I love ends up dying
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: I don't think I would want anything that happens in my subconscious to really come true, it would be far to weird
Think You're Attractive?: depends on the day
Shoplifted?: Plead the 5th
Been Caught "Doing Something"?: Oh yes, I do "something" quite frequently. Right now I'm sitting at my laptop, and John caught me.
Weirdest Makeout Place?: I'm not weird enough to have a "weirdest makeout place" so we'll have to go with the rear facing seat of my parents Taurus when I was in high school
Like Thunderstorms?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Shoes?: Bare feet. And flip flops.
Favorite Quote?: "Vivir con miedo es como vivi a medias."
Best Advice Given?: "Do good, don't suck."
Worst Advice Given?: "do good, don't suck."=)
Favorite Song Lyric?: I supposed I'd have to have a favorite song first...
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?: What's with the quote obsession?
Glad This Is Over?: Yeah, it's freaking bedtime now.