Sunday, October 29, 2006

Working on being better at posting

I'm trying to get better about posting in this thing more regularly. How'm I doing so far? Too bad none of them have been real updates.

Have you ever had those times in your life where you're just so... down on yourself? Like, you feel like you suck at your job, that you can't wait to get out, but it doesn't look like you have any options open to you? I've started applying for jobs that come up in the school systems in our area - I've applied to a guidance position at Farmington High School already, but no word on that. There was a school services coordinator position here in Rochester. I didn't apply for that, because I asked them to send me a job description, and I wasn't qualified enough, but my father-in-law sent me an e-mail yesterday saying that they're still hiring because he saw it in the paper. So since they've been looking for a few months, I think I'll go ahead and apply for that too. You never know, I might be just what their looking for!

I've also been looking into work at home options, such as medical transcription, but my God! medical transcription courses are REALLY expensive! Over $1,000, and I've seen them as much as over $3,000 in some places. We just don't have that kind of money. I wish I could just take a typing test and be certified in it. I took a typing test to see how fast my typing is, turns out I type 61 WPM with an accuracy of 94%. So I'd probably be much faster if I weren't so damn accurate =)

But anyway, I started having a conversation with John the other night about what part of the problem is about me going out to work. His logic? You have to be comfortable in your work environment. For what ever reason, I can't get comfortable outside of home. So he's been supportive in me trying to find a work from home option. Plus, when we get around to having children, that will be a much better option, because we could save a ton on daycare. Plus, I wanted to be a stay at home mom, but with the prices of things necessary to live, it just wouldn't work.

So I guess that's about it... Maya (aka "Kat") is moving out today, which is a good thing. As sweet as she is, and as much as I like her, she does nothing but terrorize my pets. So I find myself getting mad at her more than not, because she's made Molly and Maggie so skiddish. But it'll be good, she's going to live with my aunt, so... yeah.

Alright, time to let Kane out for the morning. This time change is going to really screw him up.

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