Saturday, February 25, 2006

Random Thoughts

You know, I've never really thought about it much until just now how so many people who are connected in some way can have so very different life experiences. I mean, think about it: Two people from relatively similar backgrounds can grow up with two very different views of the world. And then, the people we come across in our lives, they're views of the world may be TOTALLY different than anything we're familiar with.
I don't really know where I'm going with this... it's not even a rant, just more of an observation, really. I think I'm starting to notice this more and more because of my line of work. But as one of my friends noted in her live journal once, it's just strange how some people are born into some situations. It makes you wonder how they got there, and what God was seriously thinking when a child is born into those situations. I told someone else recently that I am a firm believer that God doesn't give us any more than we can handle, but honestly, what is He thinking when He says "Well, okay, this kid's going to go to this family and be loved and well taken care of, and this kid is going to go to a family where mom tries her best, but dad is in and out of the picture for his first 18 years, then gets arrested for drug possession, and THIS kid.... well.... THIS kid is going to be put in a home where they're not going to feed him and they'll beat on him now and then." Okay, I know this is straying from my thought of how people from similar backgrounds can have such different opinions, but this whole entry is really just a flow of thoughts.
Okay, so this "flow of thoughts" really hasn't taken me anywhere I was hoping it would... I had all of these great ideas when I started typing, but now I'm not really sure where they're at. I guess I've been up too long. I get all of my best ideas in the morning. Unfortunately I've been looking at this and doing other things online for so long (I started this post an hour before I actually put it up) that I've lost my great ideas now.
I guess I'll put these thoughts on hold for the time being... I'll have to come back to this another time.

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