Saturday, November 5, 2005

Another Ranting Entry

So yesterday I get this call from the Manchester DCYF. "Hi Melissa? This is Marie Noonan. Is now a good time?" So I take the call in the conference room at work so that 1) I'm not tying up the shared phone in the medical records room and 2) So that if she's calling to offer me the job, I won't be all thrilled in front of everyone and if she's calling to turn me down for the job I won't burst into tears in front of everyone. So I get back on the phone and she's like "Well, I'm sorry to have to do this on a Friday and while you're at work..." so my next thought is "f*** you, call me at home on Thursday then." And she starts in about how they're not going to hire me because "despite having gone through 7 months of an internship and 13 core trainings, or whatever it was" - VER BATIM - they "didn't feel I had come to grasp what the mission of DCYF is" and so on and so forth. Then she goes on to tell me that part of it was because I didn't discuss safety for the children and safety plans and so on, which is bullshit because I KNOW I talked about safety and stuff - they DIRECTLY ASKED ME ABOUT IT! I'm so fed up with this whole thing. How in God's name can you give someone a grant to pay for all of their tuition and mandatory student fees and then, when the whole thing is over, be like "ha ha, we were just kidding, we didn't really thing you'd be good at child protective service work anyway." Like I told my mom, no wonder the Manchester office has such a high turn over rate - no one wants to deal with a supervisor that's going to talk to her co-workers that way.
I went on about this forever with John last night. I'm starting to develop a complex from all of this, starting to think that I really must be an awful social worker. I really do think that I must suck at it and I've totally missed my calling. Well, if that's the case, I don't know what the hell my calling was, because I didn't even hear the phone ring, let alone missed the call.
My mother just called me. I'm 24 years old and married. I think I know how to dress myself to go to a craft fair. She's like "So many people have been asking if you're going to be there today! You might want to wear something a little nicer than jeans!" And I'm like "Mom, I wear something nicer than jeans to work every day. I'm not wearing anything other THAN jeans to this thing today." You know, if I could take it back telling my mom that I was going to the craft fair at her church today, I would, and I would go over to the one at the Dover High School instead. Call up Bonnie - "Hey! What's on the agenda for today? Want to hit up a huge craft fair in Dover?" That would be much more fun. John's starting to get sick, but I hope he feels well enough to come to my parents this weekend, otherwise today is going to suck.
Anyway, I'm going to go lay down again. I've been up since 6, it's 7:48 now and it's SATURDAY. Holy crap do I need a vacation.

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