Sunday, October 2, 2005

Yay Sarah and Chad!

Sarah and Chad's wedding was so great! It was nice to see everyone at the wedding, and Sarah looked so happy! Pyper was adorable, so it was so fun seeing them all dance together during Sarah and Chads dance was so wonderful! I'm so happy for them! Weddings are so much fun! My sister-in-laws wedding is coming up in just under 2 weeks, I wonder if she's flipping out yet... Sarah, if you read this - everything went so smoothly and you looked wonderful! I hope you're happy with the way the day went! Can you believe we're old married women now? =) Call me or e-mail me when you get home for your honeymoon. I hope you had a great time!
Anyway, things here with me? Same old, same old. I'm going to post pictures from Sarah and Chads wedding tonight, so people will have to check out my photos thing: But there really isn't anything much for me to write about unless people want me to gush on about how great weddings are and stuff like that. Oh! John and I went apple picking today. That was fun, since the weather was so nice.
Anyway, we're going to church tonight, so I suppose I should take care of unpacking and what-not... Talk to you all later!

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