Today I had an interview at the DCYF in Rochester. I'm really hoping for that job. There was only 3 people that applied for the job and I should know about that one on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Tomorrow I interview in Laconia. I'm nervous about that, but it would also be a really great place to get a job. I'm hoping that one of these two pan out. I'm more pulling for Rochester, only because there are people I know and feel comfortable working with there, since that's where I interned. Laconia would be a little closer of a commute and John and I could carpool now and then, which would also be nice, but on the down side, I would run the risk of breaching professional confidentiality by having clients that are also students of Johns. So we'll see what happens. I'm not going to tell the Laconia supervisor that John teaches in Laconia, I'm just going to stick to the questions they ask and make small talk, but that's about it.
It's been weird, since UNH started classes on Monday, I'm starting to realize that I'm a full fledged adult with a job and a husband and stuff. I can stay up late during the week and not spend time doing homework and such. It's a very bizar realization. As much as I like the free time, I am really looking forward to taking up some new hobbies and such. If anyone knows of any good yoga studios in the Concord area, please let me know. Also, I really want to take up pottery lessons, so I'm looking for a place that I can do that. I'm thinking the studio in Northwood if I get the job in Rochester. They have an 8 week session I can do, but I would like to something that isn't as expensive.
Anyway, I guess that's about the highlight of my life right now. I'll keep everyone updated with my job search!
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal...along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around and look for the "coolest" book you can find. Do what's actually next to you.
"Langdon nodded, vaguely recalling that before conclave the cardinals spent two hours in the Sistine Chapel in quiet reflection and visitation with their fellow cardinals from around the globe." ANGELS & DEMONS by Dan Brown
Okay, so the closest book was some video game book of Johns, but there is only 101 pages in that, so I had to grab the first thing I could off the nearest bookshelf!
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