Friday, October 1, 2004

Work was overrated anyway

So Rite Aid sucked... Now Brooks sucks... Yep, you guessed it. Because of my history with Rite Aid, I lost my job at Brooks. It's been a sucky week. Last night my car lost a windshield wiper. It just flew off my car.
So I had to replace it. Fortunately, Johns parents were super helpful. I need to remember to get them a card. Then today I went to work - I was already dreading going because I was scheduled for 9.5 hours. I get there and the manager was like "Melissa! I need to talk to you." and I was like "Oh shit..." I was afraid Rite Aid would come up somewhere. I didn't think I'd be able to hide it from them.... I shouldn't have even tried. Now I've got to find a job where I'm making the same kind of money, because I won't be able to pay the stuff/people I need to pay if I don't. I'm so screwed....

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