2010 was a great year for me. Not an exciting year, by any means, but a great year. My now 2 (almost 3) year old continues to grow and blossom into a fantastic and fun little girl. My husband and I have a great marriage. I'm almost completely content with my house (though when someone invents the first backpack that kids can wear around the house that cleans up after them, I'll be completely happy with my house!), my job, and my life in general.
So, what new beginnings am I hoping for in the new year?
Well, for starters, I'd like to learn more about jewelry making in order to get my jewelry business off the ground. I've had some small sales this year, which has been great! But I'd really like to up the ante for myself, and begin making some stellar items!
I think learning something new, whatever it is, is an amazing way to make a new beginning. My new thing I want to learn is jewelry making. Of course, the other thing I'd like to do is take some college classes, but they're so darn expensive. I work in an ever changing field, and I'd like to learn some new skills to keep up with that. However, I also work for a non-profit, and the financial help just isn't there to help me pay for the classes.
Another new beginning for me is to actually lose weight. Now, I know everyone says that's their New Year's resolution, but I really need to. I joined Weight Watchers the week after Thanksgiving. I bet you're saying "What? Now, come on! Who joins a weight loss program during the holidays?!" But the truth of it is, I knew that if I could do it during the holidays, I could do it for the rest of the year.
As I said before, my daughter is almost three. I want to be around to see her live to be 63 (or older, God willing!) and not get hit with any medical issues that could take me away from her. I have a long way to go - more than 110 pounds to lose to be considered a "healthy" weight for my height, but I'm going to focus on losing first my 5%, then my 10% goal, then on losing 50 pounds, then on losing the rest. That feels a little more manageable. It makes it a little less daunting, too. If I can at least lose 50 pounds, I'll feel much more comfortable in my own skin.
So, those are my two big ambitions for 2011. What are some of your thoughts? I'd love to hear them in comments! Also, please stop back and check in with me - I need people to keep me accountable for my own ambitions! Maybe I'll help make sure you stay accountable to yours too!
I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network blogging program, for a $50 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.