I can't believe I haven't updated in two weeks! I guess I've just been busy with various other things. We went away to Wells, Maine the weekend of 4th of July, so I've got some pictures to share from that trip.

John and I have been playing tennis a lot more lately, and we both ordered new rackets, which is exciting too. I ordered a Völkl DNX 7. We decided that the grip on my old racket is too big for me, and that is why I've been having some wrist problems lately. Plus, this new racket is lighter, but not by much. I can't wait to get it! It was back ordered, so hopefully I will get it this Friday. If not, I should have it the following Tuesday.
Work is still busy, but at least it's still only 2 days a week. We had two families move out last week so we've got some space again. Hopefully we'll be able to get some new families in that are much more mellow. We had a lot of issues with the families that were there, so hopefully the problems will start settling down now. Two of the families that are there now will be moving out soon too, probably by the end of July/beginning of August.
Hannah is doing well. Believe it or not, she'll be 6 months old tomorrow!!! I can't believe how fast the last six months have gone! It's nuts! I swear she's gone through a growth spurt recently, because I feel like she's just gotten huge! We will be getting her a new carseat soon - probably in the next month or less. She's almost out grown the length restriction on her current one! She can sit up in the front of the grocery carriage now, which is fun. I think she enjoys it more too, because she can look all around. Of course, that also means we need to be much more careful about planning shopping times, so that it doesn't interfere with nap time. Learned that one the hard way this past Friday! =)
Tomorrow we are going to do Hannah's 6 month portraits at the Target in Concord, which will be fun. I'm knitting Hannah a dress and I'm trying really hard to be done in time for her to wear it for the photos tomorrow, but I'm not sure if that will happen or not. I'm hoping... hence why I'm going to finish this post now and post more tomorrow night after the photos!