So much to update, so little time... It's amazing how fast the last few days and weeks have been going! Just when I think "Phew, my blog is all updated!" Something happens and BOOM! I need to update it again!
Things around here have been good but busy. Work has been crazy lately, with new families moving in and families moving out. But, it's been a good busy. I've felt efficient and useful the last few weeks, which is a really good thing.
Friday was John's 7th and 8th grade bands trip to the festival they play in every year. It was a long day, but we had fun. This was (we think) my 4th year chaperoning the event, so I've pretty much got it down as well as John and his co-teacher do. We left the house at 6am, got to the school around 7, and had the kids on the bus by 8:15. We were making great time, and got to the school the kids were performing at about 1/2 an hour prior to their warm up time. Unfortunately, the school had just come out of lockdown for a drug arrest (it was a high school), so all of the performances were pushed wayyyy back. John's school was slated to perform at 12:40, and didn't get to go on until about 1:20. The kids handled it really well though. His band got a gold, which was great. The chorus performed, and also got a gold, so things were good. The second part of the day was spent at Six Flags New England, and we couldn't have had a better day for it. We only got 3 hours at the park, which was a bummer, but the kids were awesome about it, and the weather was awesome, so the kids still had a really great time. Most of the rides were running, so none of the kids got disappointed by not getting to go on anything. John and I got Hannah a really cute Wonder Woman onsie, which is super fun. There are some pictures of her in it below.
John and I have pretty much spent the weekend recovering from the trip, and doing things around the house. This year, we planted a vegetable garden, so hopefully it will do well. We have leaf lettuce, sweet peas, cherry tomatos, yellow bell pepper, orange bell pepper, cucumbers, zucchini and summer squash. I'm so excited! I hope my garden does well. I spent a lot of time outside planting and working on it yesterday, so I can't wait to see how it does!
Monday the 19th, Hannah had her 4 month check up. She did great! She had to get 4 shots, which really stunk, but she handled it like a pro - some screaming, and that was it for the day. She measured at 26 inches long and 14 lbs 11oz. I'm sure she's gained weight since then. She loves to eat her rice cereal, and I'm starting to wonder when to add more things to her repitoire of food.
Tomorrow, Hannah is going to see her first parade - we're meeting my parents and grandmother in Concord for the Memorial Day parade. I'm excited to take her. It's supposed to be sunny and 80 degrees - what a way to kick off the unofficial start to summer!
I guess that's about it from here. I posted some recent photos of Hannah. I still can't believe she's 4 months old now! Goodness! Where does the time go...

Mommy, I'm sleepy...


Look! I'm playin' video games!

But what does this thing DO?

I'm a playin' baby, mom!

Hannah's secret identy, revealed!