But seriously folks... I just had the worst week at my job. You know, the kind that makes you want to just walk out, quit, and pray you never face anyone from that place again. It had nothing to do with any of my coworkers, they're all fine. It was just my clients. What a nightmare. I can't go into details, the whole confidentiality thing, but just take my word when I say they're all CRAZY!!!! Thursday night I drove home from work in tears, because I felt like I just sucked at my job. That's going to make getting up for tomorrow's day that much worse. Fortunately, I'm getting out at noon, because I have a doctors appointment. Nothing bad, just a checkup.
Back to my job, though, it was just such a horrible way to spend a week, and unfortunately, my supervisor was at a funeral for a lot of the week, so it made it really hard to talk to her about any of it. So on Friday, I just wanted to dump on her, and she started trying to get me out of her office. It sucked!
John shaved off his beard the other day. He knows how I feel about that. I've made it very clear. I was so disappointed when he came downstairs with no beard after showering one night. Now, remember I just said that I had a sucky week at work. So on Wednesday when he was home, I wasn't in a great mood from the get go, and then that happened, and I just freaked. I stopped even talking to him, and finally just snapped and went to take a nap. I probably totally overreacted to that part of the whole week, but still... It's just frustrating when you tell someone that you know you like them better one way, and it doesn't seem to matter. I know he said he wanted to do it, and thats fine... he just looks like someone totally different with out it! It made for a very awkward transition for me. I still like him better with, but I'm getting used to seeing him with out it again. It just makes me think of the John I knew back in college when I see him with out, and the John I knew at UNH and I really had nothing in common. So, I'll reiterate, I like him better with. But I'm adjusting to him with out it, and it's nice to know that I can still be physically attracted to him with out it.
So in the mean time, I cut my hair all off yesterday. Short. I haven't had it this short in years. We're talking up around my ears short. It looks good, if you ask most people, and I like it too, but John hates it. HATES it. All he said when I walked in the door was "You cut off all of your hair!" Well, I didn't exactly run out to compliment him when he shaved off his beard. He knew I was contemplating it, but I don't think he thought I would have just done it. Kim
So, yeah, now my hair is short. John's starting to get used to it, but he still doesn't like it any better. Kind of like me with his beard. I'm getting used to it, but I don't like it any better. I feel kind of bad, because I did to it, to some degree, because I wanted him to know what it felt like to have that happen. At the same time, I enjoy wearing it short, and this was pretty much the deciding factor. But I think it looks good. Last night I was really mad at myself for doing it though, because I still wanted to make sure that still found me attractive. At the same time, it was good to kind of see where the line of what he likes and doesn't falls.
Anyway, I'm rambling. So to get on to Kim and I having a ton of fun yesterday: We went to the mall, made an appointment for me to get my hair cut at Hair Excitement, then went to Bath and Body Works, then left and I got my hair cut, then we went BACK to Bath and Body Works. We both bought some new body cream lotion stuff, and some massage oil, so that was fun. Then we left and got milkshakes at the Friendly Toast - best. milk. shakes. ever. We laughed a lot, which was awesome, I love it when I get to laugh hard with my friends! So we are TOTALLY doing that again, Kim, okay? You don't have a choice. Even if I have to kidnap you and drag you kicking and screaming back to the Friendly Toast! -_^
Alright, I've got to get going. I keep like... half falling asleep while trying to type, which could be why this entry is so all over the place. But oh well.